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Monday, 7 October 2013
What is ruqyah
Ruqyah Its meaning and significance in Islam
Ruqyah refers to the recitation of some specific verses from the Holy Qur’an or to make supplication using words that are mentioned in the Hadith of Prophet Mohammad (saw). Ruqyah can be described as a spiritual healing prayer in which verses from the Holy Qur’an or the supplications from the Prophet are used in order to heal oneself or somebody else from sickness and evil eye.
Ruqyah is a Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Mohammad (saw). He used to recite ruqyah for himself whereas some of his companions (Sahaaba) used to recite ruqyah for themselves.
We know for a fact that the Holy Quran has been sent down on earth as a guide and cure to all human beings. Allah (swt) has said in the Quran that
Allah (swt) says in the Quran, ‘We send down (stage by stage) in the Quran that which is a healing and mercy to those who believe’.
Allah (swt) says in the Quran ‘If a suggestion from Satan assails thy (mind), seek refuge with God; for He heareth and knoweth (All things), and ''And when I am ill, it is He who cures me’.
Allah (swt) also says in the Quran, ‘We send down from the Quran that which is a healing and mercy for those who believe”.
These verses from the Quran ascertain that Allah (swt) has told his followers to use the words from his Quran to cure us of all evils and illnesses. This treatment is known as ruqyah.
There is ample evidence from the ahadith that prove the significance of ruqyah in Islam.
Sahih Bukhari Hadith (Volume 7, Number 634) narrated Aisha (RA) Prophet Mohammad (saw) ordered me or somebody else to do Ruqya in case there was a danger from an evil eye.
Sahih Bukhari Hadith (Volume 7, Number 631) Narrated 'Aisha (RA): During the Prophet's (saw) serious illness, he used to recite the Mu'auwidhat (Surat An-Nas and Surat Al-Falaq) and then blow his breath over his body. When his pain became intense, I used to recite those two Suras and blow my breath over him and make him rub his body with his own hand for its blessings." (Ma'mar asked Az-Zuhri: How did the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) use to blow? Az-Zuhri said: He used to blow on his hands and then passed them over his face.) Hazrat Ayesha (ra) also said that, ‘Prophet Mohammad (saw) instructed me and everybody else to do Ruqya in case of danger from evil eye’.
Keep Me In Your Prayers
Amel Soname
Ruqyah healing based on Quran and ahadith -1
Ruqyah is a spiritual prayer that can be used to heal diseases and evil eye. It is entirely based on the Holy Quran and ahadith. Therefore, the right way of ruqyah healing is the one that is based on the Sunnah of our Prophet Mohammad (saw). Any kind of deviation from the Suunah is unlawful, as I have discussed in my previous posts.
The correct ways of ruqyah healing which have been practiced by Prophet Mohammad (saw) are as follows:
Ruqyah healing with help of Allah's (swt) name: Abu Sa’id al-Khudri (ra) reported that Jibril came to the Prophet Mohammad (saw) and asked, "O Muhammad, are you sick?" He replied, ‘Yes.’ Jibril said: ‘Bismillahi arqik, min kulli shayin yuthik, min sharri kulli nafsin aw ayni hasid’ (translation: With Allah's Name I shelter you (give you ruqyah), from all that ails you, from the evil of every soul, or that of the envious eyes. May Allah cure you; with Allah's Name I shelter you." Muslim.
Ruqyah healing with the Holy Quran: Hazrat Ayesha (ra) reported that when Prophet Mohammad (saw) visited her, she was being treated with ruqyah by a woman. Prophet Mohammad (saw) said, ‘Treat her only with the Holy Quran’ Recorded by Ibn Hibban and verified to be authentic by al-Albani in as-Sahihah no. 1931.
Keep Me In Your Prayers
Amel Soname
Ruqyah healing based on Quran and ahadith-2
Ruqyah with Al-Mu`awwidhatain: The last 2 verses of the Holy Qur’an i.e. Surah Naas and Falaq are called Al-Mu`awwidhatain, which means the 2 verses
that can be used to seek Allah's (swt) refuge. Surah Falaq (113) translation: Say, "I seek refuge with the Lord of daybreak, from the evil of what he created, and from the evil of darkness when it settles, and from the evil of the blowers in knots, and from the evil of an envier when he envies. Surah Naas (114) translation: Say, ‘I seek refuge with the Lord of the people, the King of the people, the God of the people, from the evil of a retreating whisperer, who whispers (evil) in the breasts of the people, (whether he is) from among jinns or the people.’
‘Hazrat Ayesha (ra) reported: ‘When Allah's Messenger (saw) went to bed, he would draw closer the palms of his both hands and blow onto them while reading Surah Akhlas (112), Surah Falaq (113) and Surah Naas (114). He would then rub his hands all over his body beginning from his head to face and then the front part of his body. He would do this thrice. When he got very ill, he asked me to do that for him." Al Bukhari and Muslim
It was narrated that Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to seek Allah’s
(swt) refuge from the jinnaat and the evil eye until the Mua’widhatain were revealed. After their revelation he started reciting only them and not anything else.” The evil eye can afflict mankind and it is the most widespread affliction in the world. Prophet Mohammad (saw) said: "Most of those who will die from my nation after what Allah has decreed will be from the evil eye" (Fath al-haqq al Mubeen, As-Sahih, 747)
Ruqyah healing with Ayat ul-Kursi: Narrated Ubayy Bin Ka'b that he used to harvest dates. Once he noticed that the harvest was getting reduced by the day. He decided to keep a watch at night. At night he noticed a beast that resembled an adolescent boy. He greeted him with a salam to which it responded with a salam. He asked the beast whether it was a human or jinn. To this it replied that it was a Jinn. Ubayy Bin Ka'b then told the jin to show his hand. It showed him its hand and he noticed that it resembled a dog's hand with some fur like that of a dog on it. Ubayy Bin Ka'b exclaimed, ‘Is this how jinnat are like!?" It relied "The jinnat know that there is no one amongst them stronger than me." Ubayy Bin Ka'b then asked it, "What made you come here?" It replied, "We have got the information that you give a lot of charity so we have come here to get some food." He asked it, "What can protect us from you?" It replied, "The ayah from Surat ul-Baqarah: (Allahu la ilaha illa huwa Al-Hayy ul-Qayyum,) (2/255). Whoever recites it in the evening will be protected from us till the morning and whoever recites it in the morning will be protected from us till the evening."
In the morning, Ubayy came to Prophet Mohammad (saw) and narrated this incident. Prophet Mohammad (saw) said, ‘The evil one has spoken the truth!’ Recorded by an-Nasa i and others and verified to be authentic by al-Albani.
This hadith throws light at the effectiveness of Ayatal kursi as a special ruqyah prayer for protection.
Keep Me In Your Prayers
Amel Soname
Ruqyah healing based on Quran and ahadith-3
Ruqyah healing with Du`a (Prayer): Imam Bukhari gives the example that Thabit complained to Anas b. Malik about some chronic pain he suffered. So Anas asked him, "Shall I cure you with the Ruqya of Prophet Mohammad (saw)?" Thabit relied in the positive. Anas recited: Allahumma rabb al-nas mudhhab al-ba`s ishfi anta al-shafi la shafi illa anta shifa`an la yughadiru saqama. (O Allah! The Lord of the people, the Remover of trouble! (Please) cure (this patient), for You are the Healer. None brings about healing but You; a healing that will leave behind no ailment). Sometimes, while reciting a du`a, Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w) used to touch and place his hands on the face, eyes and other parts of sick person’s body. He used to recite the following dua: Allahumma rabb al-nas adhhab al-ba`s washfihi wa anta al-shafi la shifa`a illa shifa`ka shafi` la yughadiru saqama (O Allah, the Lord of the people! Remove the trouble and heal the patient, for You are the Healer. No healing is of any avail but Yours; healing that will leave behind no ailment).
Hazrat Ayesha (r.a.) that the Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w) used to recited the following du`a as ruqyah:
Imsahi al-ba`s rabb al-nas, biyadika al-shifa` la kashif lahu illa anta (Remove the trouble, O the Lord of the people, the cure is in Your Hands, and there is none except You who can remove it (the disease).
Bismillah tarbatu ardana, bariqatu ba`dana, yashfi saqimuna bi`idhni rabbina (In the Name of Allah The earth of our land and the saliva of some of us cure our patient).
Bismillah tarbatu ardina, wariqatu ba`dina, yashfi saqimuna, bi’idhni rabbina (In the Name of Allah" The earth of our land and the saliva of some of us cure our patient with the permission of our Lord." with a slight shower of saliva) while treating with a Ruqya).
Keep Me In Your Prayers
Amel Soname
The sunnah method of performing ruqyah
Once Uthman Ibn-Abil-Aas complained of a pain from which he had been suffering since he had adopted Islam. So Prophet Mohammad instructed him, ‘Place your hand on that part of your body where there is pain and say ‘Bismillaah (in the name of Allaah) thrice. Then say ‘A’oodhu bi ‘izzat-illaah wa qudratihi min sharri ma ajid wa uhaadhir (I seek refuge in the glory and power of Allaah from the evil of what I feel and worry about), seven times. (Muslim- 2202)
A raqi, as we know, is a spiritual healer who performs ruqyah for a patient. As far as his eligibility for doing ruqyah on others is concerned he definitely need not be an ascetic, scholar or someone who has got a formal training. It is also not necessary that he may have studied religion. What is important for a raqi is that he should be a pious, practicing Muslim. He should be able to read and understand the Qur’an well. He should be a righteous person with noble intentions, just like a doctor who aspires to save the life of his patients. Moreover, he should be able to distinguish between the Sunnah, i.e. the teachings of Prophet Mohammad (saw) and bidaa or innovations, so that he does the ruqyah strictly according to the Islamic methodology.
Now moving on to the methodology, when the problem of the patient has been identified by the Raqi he will follow this simple procedure:
After locating the aching spot, the Raqi will follow the method of Prophet Muhammad (saw), i.e. reciting the Ruqya prayers.
Doing Nafth (puffing out breath with a little saliva) into the right hand and then rubbing the painful spot while reciting the ruqyah prayers.
Understanding and adhering to the above mentioned Sunnah method of performing ruqyah is of utmost importance. This will protect us from being taken for a ride by the fake raqis and black magicians who sin themselves and can make ignorant and gullible people sinners as well.
Keep Me In Your Prayers
Amel Soname
The conditions of doing Ruqyah
Having clearly understood the concept of ruqyah and its importance in Islam, in my previous post, now let us move on to the conditions that should be met in order to do ruqyah in an Islamic way.
Prophet Mohammad (saw) said, “Show me your Ruqyahs; there is no harm in Ruqyah as long as there is no shirk.” (Muslim)
A raqi is the spiritual healer who is entitled to perform ruqyah on a sick person. Seeking Ruqyah from a raqi is allowed in the following conditions:
There should be a belief that Ruqyah is merely a way of healing and that it can have no positive effect on the sick except by the Will of Allah (swt). (Fath ul Bari 10/240)
The ruqyah must be done with clearly understood words in order to rule out the possibility of any magic factor involved in the ruqyah.
Ruqyah should be done only with Allah's words, his beautiful names or attributes. All forms of ruqyah that are mentioned in the Sunnah satisfy this condition as they either consist of certain portions of the Holy Qur’an (such as Surah-Fatiha or Ayat ul-Kursiy) or else they contain praises of Allah (swt) and an invocation to seek help from Allah (swt).
The raqi should not recite words or prayers that include shirk such as asking help from the dead, Jinnaat or evil spirit. The raqi should only use Quranic verses or authentic supplications in the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammad (swt).
If the sick person is a female then she should ask for Ruqyah from a devout woman. In case the raqi is a man, he should perform it in the presence of her Mahram or guardian. The sick woman should wear a complete hijab and the raqi should not touch her.
Keep Me In Your Prayers
Amel Soname
The benefits of doing ruqyah
It is a common fact that Ruqyah is a way to protect oneself against all forms of evil and sickness. The Holy Quran was revealed upon Prophet Mohammed (saw) as a source of guidance and cure for mankind. Since ruqyah is performed with the help of Quranic verses so it provides all the benefits of Quran recital. The benefits of doing ruqyah are as follows:
An individual can cleanse his heart and purify it from the afflicted diseases such as greed, malice, envy, hatred and wickedness.
Recitation of the Quranic verses in ruqyah (according to the rules of recitation) helps a person to restore his or her psychological balance because regulation of the breath during Quran recitation greatly reduces tension.
During recitation the movement of the tongue muscles reduces fatigue and provides vitality to the mind. Research shows that listening to the Quranic recitation had a tranquilizing effect on 97% of the cases although a majority of them did not know Arabic. Involuntary physiological changes were observed in the neurological structure of their bodies which evidently lessened tension to a great extent.
Prophet Mohammad (saw) has explained this phenomenon in the following way, ‘Whenever people gather in one of Allah's houses to recite and study His book, tranquility descends upon them, mercy is showered on them, angels surround them, and Allah (swt) will consider them as ones who are fortunate enough to be on his side.
It is a medically established fact that tension and anxiety weaken the immune system of the body. This weakens the body’s defense system against the diseases. If a person’s mental status is unstable, then he becomes more vulnerable to diseases. Ruqyah serves the dual purpose of curing both the body and the mind because it restores the balance of the psychological and mental systems. Reciting or hearing the Quran verses and simultaneously meditating on its meanings boost our immunity level. Thus, by the will of Allah Willing, the body gets protection from diseases and it gets the power to ward off the bacteria and virus that constantly attack the body with the help of this over-flowing divine energy.
Keep Me In Your Prayers
Amel Soname
What is evil eye and how can it be cured -1
What is evil eye and how can it be cured -2
The evil eye is also a fact mentioned in Verse 51 of Surah Al-Qalam. “And those who disbelieve would almost trip thee up with their eyes.” The Angel Gabriel performed ruqyah on Prophet Mohammad (saw) to protect him from the evil eye. Therefore it is permissible to use prayers to cure evil eye as long as they are understandable and without any trace of shirk/ polytheism.
The evil eye can be either caused by mankind or by the Jinn.
Abu Sated (ra) narrated that Prophet Mohammad (saw) has asked to seek protection from jinnat and from the evil eye of mankind. (At-tirmidhi, 2058). This hadith proves the phenomenon of evil eye from human beings.
As far as evil eye from the jinnat it concerned it has been proved by the following hadith: Narrated Umm Salamah (ra) that Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) saw a slave girl in her house who had a mark on her face. Prophet Mohammad (saw) remarked: " Seek Ruqyah for her, for verily she is afflicted with a look (evil eye)." (Al-Bukhari, 5739)
Evil eye is mainly due to envy. The envious person does not tolerate the happiness or prosperity of other people so he begins to envy them. Envy is the result of hatred and anger. The evil eye can be compared to an arrow that is released from the soul of the envier and it hits the person who is envied. It can affect the envied person if he or she does not have enough protection such as supplications. When it does not affect, the evil eye can boomerang. Then it can cause loss to the envier. (The Medicine of the Prophet, 138).
Evil eye can not produce any effect except by Allah's (swt) will. It can affect the envied person without his or her being seen by the envier. For instance, the envier may be staying far away from the envied yet he or she can cast evil eye even from a distance.
So, it is imperative that each one of us should try to protect ourselves by taking necessary precautions such as recitation of Qur'an, seeking Allah (swt)’s protection, remembrance and supplications.
Keep Me In Your Prayers
Amel Soname
Can ruqyah cure black magic? Part-1
Ruqyah has been described as a healing formula (used by a person who has been distressed by diseases such as poisoning, jinn possession etc) which comprises of prayers and light spitting. (Ibn Atheer)
This shows that apart from general sickness, evil eye affliction and problem of envy/hasad ruqyah healing is also effective for treating problems related to jinn possessions/ black magic.
There are many ahadith which show that Prophet Mohammad used to do Ruqyah by reciting Surah Naas and Surah Falaq to seek protection of Allah. Narrated Hazrat Ayesha (r.a) that before going to sleep Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W.) used to recite Suras Ikhlaas, Falaq, Naas and blow onto the palms powerfully so that some of his saliva would drop on them and then he would rub them over his body three times starting from the front of the face.(Bukhari, Muslim)
This shows that doing ruqyah with Surah Falaq and Naas is a Sunnah.
Surah Falaq (The Daybreak) and Surah Naas (Mankind) are closely related and their contents also resemble each other. Hence, they have been assigned a common name “Mu'awwidhatayn” [the two verses in which protection with Allah (swt) has been sought].
In order to be sure whether Ruqyah can be a source of healing for black magic or not we will have to understand the conditions under which these two Surahs were revealed on our Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w) As soon as the Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w) began to preach the message of Islam, he had to faced the opposition and animosity from several quarters. As the message of Islam spread the disbelieving Quraish also became his strong opponents. They got completely disappointed when Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w) refused to compromise with them in the matter of faith. The non-believers could not digest the fact that more and more people had begun to accept Islam whole-heartedly. They began to curse Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w) and even started conspiring to kill the Prophet secretly at night so that the Bani Hashim could not get hold of the murderer and take revenge. Ploys such as magic and charms were used on Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w) in order to kill him or make him fall ill or become insane. (To be continued)
Keep Me In Your Prayers
Amel Soname
Can ruqyah cure black magic? Part-2
The following hadith throws light on the black magic spell cast on Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w): Narrated 'Aisha:
Magic was worked on the Prophet so that he began to fancy that he was doing a thing which he was not actually doing. One day he invoked (Allah) for a long period and then said, "I feel that Allah has inspired me as how to cure myself. Two persons came to me (in my dream) and sat, one by my head and the other by my feet. One of them asked the other, "What is the ailment of this man?" The other replied, 'He has been bewitched" The first asked, 'Who has bewitched him?' The other replied, 'Lubaid bin Al-A'sam.' The first one asked, 'What material has he used?' The other replied, 'A comb, the hair gathered on it, and the outer skin of the pollen of the male date-palm.' The first asked, 'Where is that?' The other replied, 'It is in the well of Dharwan.' " So, the Prophet went out towards the well and then returned and said to me on his return, "Its date-palms (the date-palms near the well) are like the heads of the devils." I asked, "Did you take out those things with which the magic was worked?" He said, "No, for I have been cured by Allah and I am afraid that this action may spread evil amongst the people." Later on the well was filled up with earth. Bukhari, volume 4, book 54, and number 490
It was under such hostile circumstances that Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w) was commanded to tell the people: "I seek refuge with the Lord of the dawn, from the evil of everything that He has created, and from the evil of the darkness of night and from the evil of magicians, men and women, and from the evil of the envious", (Surah Falaq) and to tell them: "I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind, the King of mankind, and the Deity of mankind, from the evil of the whisperer, who returns over and over again, who whispers (evil) into the hearts of men, whether he be from among the jinn or men." (Surah Naas). Hence the time of revelation of these twin Surahs and their meaning clearly shows that these verses (which are used in the Sunnah method of Ruqyah healing) are meant to protect us from black magic/ evil jinnat.
Prophet Mohammad (saw) used to seek protection from the jinnat and also the evil eye. When Surah al-Falaq and an-Naas were revealed he utilized them and left other things." [Tirmidhi].
Uqbah ibn Amir (r.a) reported that the Prophet Mohammad (saw) said: "No seeker of protection can seek protection with anything like these two verses." [Abu Dawud] The Prohet (s.a.w) also said: "O Uqba, learn to recite Surah al-Falaq, for you will never recite a surah more cherished by Allah (s.w.t) and more profound in His sight than this verse." [Hakim, Dhahabi] These ahadith show that these Quranic verses are the best to seek Allah's protection with.
Keep Me In Your Prayers
Amel Soname
Violations Parameters of ruqyah-1
In my earlier posts I have discussed in detail the conditions that should be met in order to have ruqyah done in an Islamic way. Any type of deviation from the Sunnah method of performing ruqyah would be tantamount to committing a sin or shirk.
As we know that at any given time in a society vice exists along with virtue and good with evil. Therefore along with some of the best, noble doctors some quacks also exist who do not mind playing with the lives of their patients just to earn some bucks. Similarly along with some pious raqi practitioners unfortunately, there happen to be many people who violate the Islamic parameters of doing ruqua. Such people distorted ruqyah into a kind of a quackery and charlatantry. Just like giving bribes is as big a sin as taking it similarly getting ruqyah done by anti-Islamic methods is also as big a blunder as doing it. Moreover, many raqi started saying things that violate the conditions of ruqyah in Islam. In this respect, the Prophet Mohammad (saw) says, ‘There will come after me rulers who will abolish the Sunnah and practice heresies.’
(Al-Tabarani in Al-Kabeer on the authority of Abdullah bin Mas'oud)
Therefore one should keep a check and avoid the following rampant methods which deviate from the Sunnah:
Certain fraud raqis burn a portion of wolf’s skin and make the patient smell it. They also write talismans and ask the patient to wear them as taweez as they believe that the wolf’s skin will shield the patient from evil jinnaat as the jinnat are scared of wolves. This is a false claim based on superstitious beliefs and this is a wrong practice as well as it is based on mere jugglery and false belief. Therefore, this practice must be strictly forbidden.
Some raqi write some verses of the Holy Qur'an on a piece of cloth. Then they burn it and bring it closer to the nose of the patient. They claim that this practice will burn, kill or suffocate the jinn. Some of these fraud raqis soak the cloth in musk before burning it. This practice is anti-Islamic and unlawful as it resorts to humiliating the Qur'an and contradicts the Sunnah method of healing. Therefore, this practice should be strictly avoided.
Keep Me In Your Prayers
Amel Soname
Violations Parameters of ruqyah- 2
Some raqis recite Qur'an every day on water tanks situated on the roofs of a house, on cosmetic items of women and on food.
As a matter of fact, reciting of certain Qur'an verses and blowing thrice into a bottle of water or oil, after opening them, is allowed. However, some of the raqis have distorted this practice by reciting Qur'an on everything.
A scholar had remarked, ‘this practice is baseless and this method of ruqyah is useful only if the amount of water is little, for e.g: a pot of water in which verses are recited and air is blown into it. It is unauthorized to perform such ruqyahs to make money by deceiving people in a way that apparently seems to be beneficial but implicitly is dark and evil.’ Al-Fatawa al-dhahabiyya.
Some raqis do not hesitate to meet women without their mahram (unmarriageable kin with whom sexual intercourse would be considered incestuous) under the pretext pf curing them. By doing so they ignore the following Hadith, ‘Whenever a man is alone with a woman the Devil makes a third.’ (Sunan Al-Tirmidhi on the authority of Ibn Umar.) Ibn Al-Qayyim states, ‘Undoubtedly, allowing women to mingle with men is the source of all evil that evokes collective punishments and deadly epidemics.’
When some raqis are unsuccessful in treating their patients they advise him to take the help of magicians. This also violates the Sunnah principles on which the ruqyah is based. Besides this it is clearly anti-monotheism as our Prophet Mohammad (saw) says,
"Whoever went to a fortune-teller and believed in what he said, has disbelieved in what was revealed to Muhammad." (Ahmad and Al-Hakim on the authority of Abu Hurairah.)
Shari'a scholars have stated that Allah (swt) has prohibited the practice of seeking cure from unlawful things. Prophet Mohammad (saw) says,
‘Seek medications but avoid unlawful means.’
(Abu Ya'la in his Musnad on the authority of Abi Al-Darda')
Keep Me In Your Prayers
Amel Soname
Violation Parameters of ruqyah-3
In certain ruqyah sessions the raqis make their patients sit in complete darkness. They make the patients smell certain fragrances and then ask them to close their eyes and let their imagination run loose. If the patients happen to imagine any particular person then the raqis accuse that person of having captivated the patient and having harmed him. This baseless accusation can create hard feelings and hatred between the patient and the person whom they imagine. These kinds of weird treatments can only be given by those raqis who are in contact with jinnat. This type of ruqya treatment is against Sunnah and should therefore be avoided. We should seek refuge in Allah from indulging in such practices.
Some of the ruqyah practitioners indulge in the wrong practice of writing certain Qur'anic verses on the patient's body in order to heal them. This method contravenes the Shari'a and the Sunnah because it not only humiliates the Qur'an verses but it is also tantamount to disbelief and blasphemy, in case that part of the body becomes filthy and impure.
Keep Me In Your Prayers
Amel Soname
Violation Parameters of ruqyah-4
Writing blasphemous and heretic talismans and satanic symbols for curing patients is another unlawful practice that is rampant nowadays. On being enquired by the patient about the symbols and talismans the raqi says that he has written the names of the powerful kings of jinnat in order to scare the jinn so that they leave the patient's body. Such encrypted words or symbols are mostly written in Cyrillic. Ibn Taymiyyah said, "Ruqyah can not be done by saying or writing something that is unreadable especially if it involves shirk (associating partners with Allah). Such practices are deemed to be unlawful and forbidden."
Some fraud raqis use amulets and beads claimed to belong to the seven Solomon ages. Sometimes they also melt lead on the heads of kids in order to cure them of their psychological fears or other disorders. These practices are also baseless and should be avoided.
Suffocating the patient until he faints and the jinn lurking inside his body start talking is yet another form of abuse in the name of treatment. This practice is not just unlawful but dangerous as well as it may cause serious damage to the patient. Suffocation can also lead to a stroke that causes hemiplegia. In this context, Prophet Mohammad (saw) says,
‘Leave that which puts you in doubt for that which does not put you in doubt.’ (Tirmidhi on the authority of Al-Hasan bin Ali).
This method of ruqyah is not mentioned in the Qur'an or in the Hadith. On the contrary Islam asks us to shield our bodies from any kind of danger and harm.
Keep Me In Your Prayers
Amel Soname
Violation Parameters of ruqyah-5
Sometimes gullible people are fooled around by fake raqis. The raqis give them illogical advice such as:
Do not heat oil before applying it
Do not take a bath in the bathroom.
Do not use soap while taking a bath.
Listen to Qur'an recording while bathing.
All these are baseless claims that have nothing to do
with the ruqyah treatment.
Exploiting patients financially
Patients who consult such fake raqis end up paying through their nose for some water, oil, honey or herbs. Besides this, the raqis charge exorbitant sums for reciting on dining tables, water tanks, sprinkling some water in the corners of the patient’s house, look out for hidden magic amulets in the house and many such fake problems.
Ruqyah is a spiritual welfare prayer that requires discipline and respectability. Ideally speaking the raqi should first hear out the problem of the patient in order to diagnose his problem. Then, he should recite the prescribed religious texts. However, it has become a common practice in some ruqyah clinics to use loudspeakers and blow air on a group of patients together. This violates the Sunnah method of performing ruqyah. Such sessions are unfit for seeking help from Allah (swt) as they are in a state of chaos and confusion. In these sessions the personal problems of each patient are disclosed publicly and they may get unwanted publicity. The advantages of ruqyah that is performed in a group cannot be compared to those of ruqyah performed individually as the latter is a far more controlled method which is closer to the Sunnah method.
Keep Me In Your Prayers
Amel Soname
Is it permissible to charge money for doing Ruqyah?
Ruqyah is a multi-purpose prayer that can shield us from all types of magic spells, evil eye, sorcery and different types of witchcraft and haunting by the evil spirits.
The most excellent and suggested way is that a Muslim should do it for himself/herself or for his/her loved ones. Our dear Prophet Muhammad (saw) used to do it for himself. Narrated Hazrat Aisha (RA) “When the Messenger of Allah (saw) was sick he used to recite Al-Mu’awidhatayn, i.e. Surah Al-Falaq and An-Nas over him body and spit dryly. If his pain aggravated then I used to recite Al-Mu’awidhatayn over him and wiped him with his own hand to seek its blessing.” (Al-Bukhari).
As far as giving something to the Raqi (a person who performs Ruqyah) is concerned there is a hadith that proves in a subtle way that this practice is not forbidden in Islam. Narrated on the authority of Abu Saeid Al-Khudry (may Allah be pleased with him), he said, Abu Sa'id Khudri reported that some of the Companions of Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) set out on a journey and they happened to pass by an Arabian tribe. They demand for hospitality from the tribe was turned down. After some time the members of the tribe came and asked the Sahaaba, ‘Is there any incantator amongst you, at the chief of the tribe has been stung by a scorpion? One of the Sahaaba replied, ‘Yes. So he came to him and he performed ruqyah with the help of Sura al-Fatiha and the chief of the tribe got cured. He was rewarded a flock of sheep but the Sahaaba refused to accept it, saying, ‘I shall mention about this to Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him). If he approves of it only then I shall accept the reward. So we came to Prophet Mohammad (saw) and narrated the incident to him saying that, ‘Oh Allah's Messenger! By Allah, I practiced ruqyah only with the help of Sura al-Fatiha from the Holy Quran. Prophet Mohammad (saw) smiled and asked, ‘How did you come to know that it can be used as ruqyah? Take out of that and allocate a share for me along with your share’.
From this Hadith we get to know that it is permissible to give something in return to the person who performs it. We also learn from it that Surah Al-Fatiha can be used for curing evil eye and other such diseases.
Keep Me In Your Prayers
Amel Soname
The significance of Surah Fatiha in ruqyah healing
Besides being called Al-Hamd, As-Salah, Ash-Shifa and Umm al-kitab Surah Fatiha is also called Ar-Ruqyah (remedy), because there is the narration in the Sahih of Abu Sa`id telling the story of a Sababa/ Companion of the Prophet (saw) who used Al-Fatihah as a cure for the tribal chief who was stung by a scorpion. Later on, Prophet Mohammad (saw) said to a Companion,
"How did you know that Surah Fatiha is a Ruqyah?"
Some commentators opined that the focal point of healing powers of Surah Fatiha is in the power and blessings of the words: “Thee we worship(iyyaka na`budu), and Thy help we seek (iyyaka nasta`in)” The words, worship(na’budu) and help (nasta`in) have been understood to be the strongest elements for the most effective cure. In these lines we directly plead for help from the Allah (swt) (al-Shafi) whom we completely trust for recovery. This is why surah al-fatihah is one of recommended surah to be recited for ruqyah.
In Bab Fadl Fatihat al-Kitab of Kitab Fada`il al-Quran, Imam Bukhari reported that:
Narrated Abu Sa'id Al-Mu'alla, ‘Once when I was praying the Prophet (saw) called me but I did not respond to his call. Later on I said, "O Allah's Apostle! I was praying." He said, "Didn't Allah say: 'O you who believe! Give your response to Allah (by obeying Him) and to His Apostle when he calls you'?" (8.24). He then said, "Shall I not teach you the most superior Surah in the Qur'an?" He said, '(It is), 'Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. '(i.e., Surat Al-Fatiha) which consists of seven repeatedly recited Verses and the Magnificent Qur'an which was given to me."
Keep Me In Your Prayers
Amel Soname
The significance of Ayatal kursi in ruqyah healing
Ayat al-Kursi is the most excellent and powerful verse in the Holy Quran for the following reasons:
In this verse the names of Allah (swt) are mentioned more number of times than in any other verse. For example, in some verses of the Quran Allah’s name may be mentioned up to ten times. However, in Ayat al-Kursi, the names of Allah (swt) have been mentioned seventeen times.
In Ayat al-Kursi six attributes (sifat) of Allah (swt) have been mentioned in this single verse. The attributes include: The Divine Oneness (Wahdaniyyah) of Allah (swt), His Life (Hayah), His Knowledge (Ilm), His Divine Power (Qudrah), His Kingdom (Mulk) and His Will (Iradah). (Sharh Sahih Muslim: Fadail al-Qur?an, under Surat al-Kahf & Ayat al-Kursi. Allamah Ghulam Rasul Saidi)
There are many hadith which show clearly that Ayatal kursi is the most powerful verse in the Holy Quran.
Imam Muslim writes that Ubayy bin Kab (ra) narrated that one day, Prophet Mohammad (SAW) asked, “O Ubayy! Which is the most excellent verse of the Quran? Ubayy replied, “Allah and His Messenger know best” The Prophet (saw) said, “In your opinion, which is the most excellent verse of the Quran? Ubayy bin Kab replied, “Allah! There is no God but He (i.e. Ayat al-Kursi). Prophet Mohammad (saw) placed his hand on his chest and said, “O Ubayy bin Kab! May your knowledge be pleasant for you”.
(Sahih Muslim: Fada?il al-Qur?an, under Surat al-Kahf & Ayat al-Kursi. Imam Muslim)
Imam Tirmidhi writes that Abu Hurayrah (ra) reports that the Prophet Mohammad (saw) said that whoever recites the first verses of Surat al-Muminun and then Ayat al-Kursi in the morning, will get Allah’s (swt) protection till the evening. Likewise, whoever reads this during the night, will get Allah’s protection till the morning.
(al-Jam al-Tirmidhi: Tafsir of Surat al-Baqarah, under Ayat al-Kursi. Imam al-Tirmidhi)
Imam Abu Dawud writes that Wathala (RA) reported that one day a man came to the Prophet Mohammad (saw) and asked, “Which is the most excellent verse in the Holy Quran? To which the Prophet (saw) replied, “Ayat al-Kursi”.
(Sunan Abi Dawud: Fadail al-Quran. Imam Abu Dawud)
Imam Darmi writes that satan runs away from a home in which Ayat al-Kursi is recited and does not come back until the next morning.
Qadi Thanaullah writes that Abu Hurayrah (ra) reports that the Prophet Mohammad (saw) said that Ayat al-Kursi is the chief verse of the Holy Quran. Anas (ra) reports that the Prophet Mohammad (saw) said that Ayat al-Kursi is equivalent to one-fourth of the Quran. Abu Amamah (ra) narrates that the Prophet Mohammad (saw) said that if a person recites Ayat al-Kursi at night before going to sleep, Allah (swt) will protect him, his house and also the neighboring houses.
Hence Aytal Kursi is a powerful verse which should be read to seek Allah’s (swt) protection from the evil. Since ruqyah healing is done to cure the problem of evil eye so Ayatal kursi is useful in ruqyah.
Keep Me In Your Prayers
Amel Soname
Ruqyah supplications from the Sunnah-1
Oh Allah! We ask for everything that is good and which has been asked for by Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w). We seek your protection from all evil, from what your protection has been asked by Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w). You are the only helper who can be asked for help and it is up to you to answer our prayers. There is no power except with Allah (swt).
Oh Allah! Guide me, provide for me, protect me and have mercy on me. Sahih Bukhari
Oh Allah! Make my body healthy. Oh Allah! Protect for me my hearing. Oh Allah! Protect for me my sight. There is none worthy of worship besides you. (3 times) Abu Dawood.
Keep Me In Your Prayers
Amel Soname
Ruqyah supplications from the Sunnah-2
These are some authentic ahadith that can be used for ruqyah healing:
Hazrat Aisha (Radhiallaahu Anha) narrated that the Prophet (s.a.w) used the following prayer when a family member fell sick, "Allahumma Rabban-nas, adh-hibil-ba's, washfi, Antash-Shafee, la shifa'a, ilia shifa'uk, shifa'an la yughadiru saqaman. (O Allah, Lord of mankind! Remove this disease and cure him. You are the Great Curer, there is no cure but through You that leaves behind no disease.)" (Bukhari and Muslim)
The Prophet (saw) told Amr ibnul Aas, "Place your hand where it aches and say 'Bismillah' three times, and then repeat seven times A'oudho bi'izzatil-lahi wa qudratihi min sharri ma ajidu wa 'uhadhir. (I seek refuge with Allah and with His Power from the evil that afflicts me and that which I apprehend.)" (Muslim)
Suratul-Fatihah, the opening surah of the Qur'an, is also recommended as a cure for sicknesses and diseases. Allah's Messenger said, "Fatihatul Kitab contains healing for every disease." (Tirmithi)\
Abu Sa'id al-Khudri r.a. reported that Jibril came to the Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w) and said, "O Muhammad, are you sick?" He replied, "Yes." He said: "Bismillahi arqik, min kulli shay'in yu'thik, min sharri kulli nafsin aw 'ayni hasid- With Allah's Name I protect you (give you ruqyah), from all that ails you, from the evil of every soul, or that of the envious eyes. May Allah cure you; with Allah's Name I shelter you."
Keep Me In Your Prayers
Amel Soname
Ruqyah supplications from the Sunnah-3
Here are some more Ruqyah prayers from the Sunnah of the Prophet (s.a.w)
Oh Allah! I seek your protection and forgiveness in this world and in the world hereafter. Oh Allah! I seek your protection and forgiveness in my religion, my worldly matters, my family and wealth. Oh Allah! Cover my secrets and protect me from anguish. Oh Allah! Protect me from what is in front of me and behind me; towards my left and towards my right and from above me. I seek your protection from being struck from beneath me. (Abu Dawood)
Oh Allah! I hope to get your mercy. Do not leave me to myself even for a blinking of an eye. Settle all my problems. There is none worthy of being worshipped but you. (Abu Dawood)
Keep Me In Your Prayers
Amel Soname
Ruqyah supplications from the Sunnah-4
Here are some more Ruqyah prayers from the Sunnah of the Prophet (s.a.w)
I seek protection of Allah (swt) who is all-hearing, all-knowing, from the accursed satan, from his insanity, his arrogance and his poetry. (Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood)
I seek refuge for you in the perfect words of Allah (swt) from every devil and every beast and from every envious, blameworthy eye.(Sahih al-Bukhari)
(NOTE: If this ruqyah is used for oneself then say aoodhu minus kuma)
In the name of Allah (swt) who with his name nothing can cause harm in this world or in the heavens and he his the all-knowing and all-hearing 3 times (Abu Dawood at-Tirmidhi)
Keep Me In Your Prayers
Amel Soname
Ruqyah from the Quran-1
Allah (swt) says in the Holy Quran… And We sent down, of the Qur'an, that which is a healing and mercy to the believers . . . .' (17: 82).
The Holy Quran is therefore, beneficial in its entirety. However, there are some specific verses that are more used for healing purposes and protection. These verses are also referred to as Ruqyah.
The verses from the Holy Qur'an that are commonly used in the Ruqya healing and for seeking Allah’s protection are:
Al-Baqara: 1-5, 163-4, 255-256, 285-6.
'ali 'imran: 18-19
Al-A ' raf: 54-56, 5.
Al-Mu'minun: 115-118
As-Saffat: 1-10
Al-Ahqaf: 29-32
Ar-rahman: 33-36
Al-Hashr: 21-24
Al-Jinn: 1-9,
Al-Ikhlas (Quran: 112)
Al-Falaq (Qur'an:113)
An-nas (Qur'an: 114)
Keep Me In Your Prayers
Amel Soname
Quranic healing verses medical treatment?
Allah (swt) says in the Holy Quran Chapter 17 Verse 82, “We sent down in the Quran that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe: to the unjust it causes nothing but loss after loss). This hadith throws light on the fact that the Holy Quran can heal us in a spiritual way.
Apart from the spiritual healing the importance of medical treatment has also been stressed upon in Islam.
Prophet Mohammad (saw) has encouraged people to seek medical treatment for ailments and he has taught many cures himself. He used to encourage the womenfolk of his household to gain knowledge of medicine from those who knew it. Prophet Mohammad (saw) had pitched a tent in the yard of his mosque, in Madina. A lady named Rufaidah was appointed by him to run it as a field hospital where the wounded could be nursed. (Tarikh at-Tabari)
In an authentic hadith, Prophet Mohammad (saw) says: "Yes, servants of God! Seek medical treatment". He also urged the doctors to make an attempt to identify cures and to pursue the essential scientific research for this purpose. In another authentic hadith the Prophet (saw) says: "Allah has not created a disease without creating a cure for it, which may be known to some and unknown to others".
Prophet Mohammad (saw) was once asked: "Do our supplication, medication and methods of prevention prevent anything that Allah (swt) has willed?" He replied: "These are also part of Allah’s will". This makes it amply clear that one aspect of Allah’s can be prevented by another. Although disease occurs by God’s will, every Muslim is commanded to try to protect himself against it utilizing methods of prevention which also work by God’s will.
The above mentioned ahadith clearly show us that spiritual/Quranic and medical treatment do not contradict each other but complement each other. Therefore, the Muslims should try to balance the use of modern medicine with Quranic prayers or ruqyah, which is a practice endorsed by our beloved Prophet Mohammad (saw).
Keep Me In Your Prayers
Amel Soname